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What are the Best Fish to Fish in Talkeetna, Alaska?

If you’re putting up the money for an Alaskan fishing trip, it’s a good idea to plan ahead for your adventure. For many anglers, this means reading up on the types of fish you’re liable to catch—after all, you probably aren’t pulling Dolly Varden or Rainbow Trout out of the waters at your local fishing hole!

As any experienced fisherman knows, casting a line takes as much preparation as actually landing your fish. You need to know what type of bait to use, how to properly cast for the fish you want to catch, where to drop a lure and more.

But before you start investigating any of this, it’s important to meet your opponent. Let’s take a look at a few of the best fish to fish on an Alaskan fishing trip to Talkeetna, Alaska:

  • Salmon: Everyone comes to Alaska to fish for salmon! It’s just a fact. Why? Because Alaskan salmon are known around the world for being enormous, majestic and, of course, delicious. Drop your lure for King (Chinook), Red (Sockeye), Silver (Coho) or Pink (Humpies) salmon and get ready for some of the best fishing of your life!
  • Trout: Trout are innumerable in Alaskan waters, and the state’s many tributaries are home to several different species. Cutthroat and Steelhead trout are two of the largest species and the two worth casting for if you’re looking to reel in a prize. A cousin of these trout, the Arctic Grayling, is also worth boating if you get one on the line—although they’re more rare than trout.
  • Dolly Varden: Also known as the Arctic Char, the Dolly Varden is a plentiful fish that many anglers have an encounter with if they fish long enough in Alaskan waters. This fish is a fighter! Though relatively small in size when compared to some of the other fish you might reel in, the Dolly Varden is going to make you work to land it.
  • Pike: Northern Pike can grow to be quite large and are well-known for being fearsome and powerful. If you get one on the line, you’ll be working hard to make sure it doesn’t pull you overboard! For those who can real their pike in, it’s a great trophy picture that you’ll be proud to have.
  • Cod: Fishing for cod? Alaska gives you two opportunities with Ling Cod and Pacific Cod. These fish are always a worthy catch and will make a great dinner if you’re able to boat them. Watch out, though—they’re rather feisty and will give you a run for your money. With larger varieties approaching 50 lbs, your angling skills are going to be put to the test.

Fishermen come to Alaska for the thrill and the challenge of reeling in heavier, stronger fish. Before you start casting in the hopes of snagging a monster, take a moment to get to know what you’re up against. These aren’t your down-home, run-of-the-mill fish and the Alaskan wilderness is far from your local pond!